
torsdag 26 april 2012


I have work with a 3 program i have tell 2 stories for a friend and 1 for my teacher Lena. I have learnt difference word tex internship -praktik. and oters words. 

måndag 23 april 2012


1. agree. yep becaouse  if the girl take cokain the parants maybe say no. parants know that if the girlfriend takes cokain you self gonna take cocaine. 

2. pizza at a resturant and later you go to a cinema and looks on a movie after the cinema a limosin comes and picked you up and drives you to a hotell. 

3. agree, i would never be with a girl like look like a whore or a punk with green or purple hair with rings over the face. never with a girl how dont understand anything.

4. Agree, i think its good.